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About Us

St. Francis Memorial Hospital (SFMH) is a 20-bed community hospital located in the village of Barry’s Bay. It serves a catchment of approximately 10,000 population dispersed over a large geographic area that includes 1,800 sq. kilometers in Renfrew County, a portion of South Algonquin Township in the District of Nipissing and Algonquin Park, Hwy 60 main corridor.  SFMH's mission is "To provide high quality, patient centred healthcare in collaboration with our partners" and is commited to performance. 

Distance to secondary facilities and lack of public transportation has always been the prime consideration in strategic planning for SFMH. The nearest secondary hospital facilities are in Pembroke and Renfrew which are 85 and 95 kilometers respectively.  Tertiary services are available in Ottawa, which is 200 kilometers east, and Peterborough, which is 175 kilometers south of Barry’s Bay. This distance and the low resident population has earned St. Francis Memorial Hospital the designation of both rural and isolated by the Rural and Northern Health Care Framework benchmark and parameter working group. It is currently the only independent Hospital in Southern Ontario with this designation.

VISION:  “A Hospital Solution – A Community Solution”: A community healthcare hub that integrates all services that will not only address the unique community needs but also increase the essential critical mass and improve efficiencies in order to respond to current economic realities.

SFMH is built on foundation of Integration success: SFMH is continuously seeking strategic partnerships and solutions that will improve the organization’s efficiency and patient care across the system. In 2012, SFMH received the Small, Rural and Northern Award of Excellence recognizing its innovative leadership in establishing partnerships to expand and improve health services in the Madawaska Valley.

The governance practices and leadership exemplified by SFMH Board were instrumental in achieving integration success and effective partnerships. Key achievements are outlined below.

Best Practice Spotlight Organization

Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSOs) are healthcare and academic organizations selected by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) through a request for proposals process to implement and evaluate the RNAO’s best practice guidelines.

It is a dynamic partnership that focuses on making a positive impact on patient care though evidence-based practice. Requests for proposals are released every three years. The Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) initiative has been a great success. It provides support to organizations that have formally agreed to implement and evaluate multiple RNAO best practice guidelines over a three (3) year period.

First launched in 2003, the BPSO initiative is an off-shoot of the RNAO’s Nursing Best Practice Guideline program which began in November 1999 and has since spread across Canada and to countries around the world.


AccreditationSFMH earns the highest level of accreditation for quality care St. Francis Memorial Hospital has been awarded the highest rating—Accredited with Exemplary Standing—from Accreditation Canada.  Accreditation Canada surveyors...

Board of Directors

St. Francis Memorial Hospital, being a community hospital, is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board consists of 8 to 10 Directors elected annually by the members for 2 year terms. The Chief Executive Officer, the Chief of Staff, the President of the Medical Staff, the Chair of the Foundation and the President of the Hospital Auxiliary are Ex-Officio Directors.

Mission, Vision and Values

Mission, Vision and Values

OUR MISSION: To provide high quality, patient centred healthcare in collaboration with our partners.

OUR VISION: To be a leader in health services that are patient centred, integrated and responsive to rural community health needs.

Emergency Department Redevelopment

Redevelopment  Welcome To The New Emergency Department The new St. Francis Memorial Hospital Emergency Department will be attached and connected to the existing hospital building, and will offer a dedicated, convenient entrance,...

Partnerships and Health System Integration

SFMH is part of a partnership of 16 hospitals that creates the LHIN-wide integrated and standardized laboratory services. Over 12 million tests are performed annually.

History and Profile

History and ProfileOn a hill overlooking a bay on beautiful Lake Kamaniskeg, just outside the Village of Barry’s Bay, stands St. Francis Memorial Hospital, the realization of a dream, a tribute and testimonial to a unique individual who was largely responsible...

Accessibility Plan

St. Francis Memorial Hospital is committed to excellence in serving all patients/clients.  In order to ensure that people with disabilities have appropriate access to health care services at St. Francis Memorial Hospital, and in order to comply with the Ontarians with Disability Act, the St. Francis Memorial Hospital has been actively working to identify barriers, remove barriers and prevent the creation of new barriers.

Auxiliary Association

Since 1960, The St. Francis Memorial Hospital Auxiliary has assisted the hospital by supporting patients, staff and visitors. We have provided funding for equipment through our Gift Shop operation, HELPP Tickets, raffles, and the sale of cookbooks for approximately $1,000,000


St. Francis Memorial Hospital adheres to ethical standards and conduct consistent with the Hospital's Mission, Vision and Values.  St. Francis Memorial Hospital staff will be guided in their practice by our Code of Conduct and relevant professional college standards and codes of ethics.

Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

Background: SFMH is embarking on a journey to put a focus on Patient and Family Centered Care. As part of this journey, we implemented a Patient and Family Advisory Council in early 2016. What is Patient and Family Centered...

Excellent Care for All Act

The health care system is playing a vital role in improving health care services for Ontarians by working toward new standards set out in the Excellent Care for All Act, which became law in June of 2010. St. Francis Memorial Hospital continues to demonstrate enhanced efforts to increase quality, accountability and transparency.

Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgment  We acknowledge that the land we live, work, and play on is the unceded, traditional territories of the Algonquin Nation. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide care on this land, and we thank the...