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Excellent Care for All Act

The health care system is playing a vital role in improving health care services for Ontarians by working toward new standards set out in the Excellent Care for All Act, which became law in June of 2010. St. Francis Memorial Hospital continues to demonstrate enhanced efforts to increase quality, accountability and transparency.

The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a key component of the Excellent Care For All Act, 2010 (ECFAA). The QIP is intended to outline an organization's priorities for quality improvement and articulate a strategy for implementation.

Beginning April 1, 2011 and every fiscal year thereafter, health care organizations are required to develop and publicly post a QIP. Under the legislation, a copy of the QIP will also need to be shared with the Ontario Health Quality Council (QHQC).

Freedom of Information

FIPPA protects the privacy of personal information of individuals held by institutions, such as the St. Francis Memorial Hospital. It also provides individuals with a right of access to, and correction of, that information.

Executive Accountability

In 2010, the Ontario Government passed the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act which requires hospitals to publically post any expense claims made by hospital executives and Board Directors.

The St. Francis Memorial Hospital has embraced this requirement. We believe that it is a reasonable way to promote public confidence in our management of taxpayer money and to show our community how their tax dollars are being spent.