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Diabetic Clinic

The goal of our Diabetes Clinic is to provide community access to a well-trained team of health professionals with emphasis on education and ambulatory treatment. The central role of the patient in the management of the disease is recognized and supported.

The Diabetes Educators review and discusses diabetes in group and individual sessions. Education is provided by the Dietitian and Nurse. Individuals are assisted in developing the best plan of care for their diabetes and together with their family physician and clinic team, strive to manage their disease with the focus on feeling well and preventing the development of the common complications of diabetes.

A monthly Diabetes Education Class is held at St. Francis Memorial Hospital for clients, their family and caregivers. Please contact Lee Kelly, RN CDE at 756-3045 Ext. 240 for an appointment.

Diabetes Education Program

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a life-long medical condition where the body does not produce any insulin, or not enough insulin. Insulin is needed to help glucose, which is in the food we eat, to enter our body cells. This gives us the energy needed for our bodies to function and to do our daily activities.

We Believe
That even though diabetes is a life-long condition, a person with diabetes can still live a full and healthy life.

By receiving education about diabetes, you will learn to adjust your lifestyle so that you can control your diabetes and it doesn't control you!

Through our program, you will learn:

  • What diabetes is, and its 3 types
  • What hypergylcemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are
  • Common feelings and emotions associated with having diabetes
  • Healthy eating
  • How to monitor your blood sugar
  • Diabetes medications
  • Complications of diabetes and how to prevent them from starting

About The Program:

Half day group education classes are held monthly.

At St. Francis Memorial Hospital Education Room for in class sessions. Clinic sessions are located on the second floor opposite of the physio area.

Who Can Attend?
Any person with diabetes, also any family member, friend or caregiver who wants to learn more about diabetes as well, in order to help you succeed.

Follow-up Clinic
After you have attended the education classes, you can be seen for follow-up visits, approximately every 3 months, to help you with your diabetes management. This clinic runs every Thursdays & Fridays by appointment only..

How to Register
You can call and refer yourself to the program
You can receive a referral from your physician
Everyone is welcome, but you do need to call to register for the classes

Contact Us
613-756-3045, Ext. 240. Please leave your name and phone number. You will be contacted by the Diabetes Educator, Lee Kelly R.N. CDE

General Information
What to bring to your individual clinic appointment:

  • Your glucometer or blood sugar monitoring machine
  • All of your medications, in bottles, including vitamins or herbal products