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In-Patient Services

Active Care Unit

Individuals admitted to our 10 bed active Care Unit receive 24 hour nursing professional care and treatment for medical problems. It has private, semi-private and ward rooms available. A coordinated multidisciplinary care team, which includes the patient and family, develops and implements an individual plan of care.

Complex Continuing Care

Our 10 bed Continuing Care Unit supports the mission of the hospital in the care and treatment of the sick and injured by providing multi-disciplinary care for in-patients requiring regular medical assessment, long term nursing care and rehabilitation.

Discharge Planning

​Discharge Planning is a hospital service which provides information and assists patients, family, physicians, and other staff to make arrangements for care after discharge from hospital or care in the emergency department.

Health Records

The Health Records Department at St. Francis Memorial Hospital oversees the collection, storage and retention of patient health records. It respects and maintains the confidentiality of all patient personal health information in its custody.

Palliative Care Program

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association gives the following definition. “Hospice Palliative Care aims to improve the quality of living and dying. Hospice Palliative Care strives to help patients and families:”

Pastoral Care

If you or your family members wish to have time alone to meditate or pray, ask a nurse to direct you to our chapel, which is located on the Medical Care Unit (Active Care).


St. Francis Memorial Hospital’s Physiotherapy Department has a Physiotherapist and a  Physiotherapist Assistant to help in-patients regain or maintain physical function.


Therapeutic Recreation uses treatment, education and recreation services to help people with illnesses, disabilities and other conditions to develop and use their leisure in ways that enhance their health, functional abilities, independence and quality of life.