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St. Francis Memorial Hospital’s Physiotherapy Department has aPhysiotherapist and a Physiotherapist Assistant, to help in-patients regain or maintain physical function.

Many modalities are used, to relieve pain, to promote healing of tissue, and to improve balance and mobility, such as:

  • heat and cold therapy
  • massage
  • electrotherapy, laser, magnetic field therapy, ultrasound
  • acupuncture
  • therapeutic exercise
  • traction
  • manual therapy
  • education
  • assessment for appropriate mobility aids

A referral is required from a doctor or a nurse practitioner to receive the services provided by this department. Outpatient services consist of cardiac rehabilitation and physiotherapy after a knee or hip replacement.  Once a referral for outpatient services has been obtained, the department should be contacted (immediately) by the potential patient to notify us that physiotherapy has been ordered, at which time further information will be provided.

For inquiries, please contact:

  • Physiotherapy Department at 613-756-3045, ext 256