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Emergency Department

Emergency Department

The Emergency Department is committed to providing you with prompt, high quality care.  We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a  year.  Every effort is made to see patients as quickly as possible.  Patients are not seen in order of arrival; it depends on how urgent or severe each case is.  Urgent cases must always be given priority, so please be patient as you wait. If your symptoms change while waiting to see a doctor, please let the nurse know immediately. Please note that both registration and the waiting area are central, so patients awaiting other services are also in this area. 

Based on your symptoms and hospital policies, you will be asked to wear a mask.

Information on Ontario Emergency Wait Times

Who will meet you in the Emergency Department?

Emergency physicians, nurses, clerks, and other members of our team.  You will be able to access other members of our team including ministerial, Home and Community Care Services, Geriatric Education Management Nurse (GEM), Diabetic Educator, Mental Health Crisis Team and Assault Response Team RN.

Important Patient Information

  • “Your safety is our priority”.
  • Please have an updated list of your medications with you, or better yet, bring your meds with you.  For your safety this is reviewed and validated each visit.
  • Tell us about your allergies.
  • Do not eat or drink anything until you see the nurse.
  • Tell us about your symptoms.
  • Tell us about your tetanus/vaccination status.
  • If you need to go to the washroom, please check with a nurse to find out if we need a urine sample.
  • To protect our staff and other patients, the emergency department has zero tolerance for any abusive behaviour or language.
  • If possible, please give your valuables to a family member or a friend.  The hospital is not responsible  for any valuables or belongings you choose to keep with you.

We provide:

  • 24-hour physician on-call coverage is provided for life-threatening emergencies
  • 24-hr nursing care is provided
  • Prompt  assessment by a Registered Nurse

Usual wait times vary according to triage and activity within the Emergency Department. Average wait time up to 3 hours.

Please be patient, you will be cared for as quickly as possible

  • Non-life-threatening emergencies are treated subject to physician availability as a physician is not in the Emergency Room at all times. You are encouraged to visit your own Family Doctor.
  • Local physicians are also responsible for patient care elsewhere in the Hospital, at the Valley Manor, MV Hospice, and in their offices.
  • Whenever possible, non-emergency patients should see their Family Doctor during regular office hours. 
  • To help us provide you with better care, please bring your current medications with you.

Who Should I Call?

  • If you have the flu, an earache, nausea, or a general illness your Family Doctor is the best person to give advice as he/she knows your medical history.
  • If your Family Doctor is not available or if you feel you need medical advice, Please call Telehealth Ontario Service at 1-800-797-0000 or RCVTAC at 1-844-727-6404 . Trained RN's and Paramedics are available. If you feel your illness requires immediate attention, come directly to emergency.
  • For Emergencies Requiring an Ambulance CALL 911 or in the township of South Algonquin call 613-756-3090.
  • If you have no family doctor and require medications renewals or access to a medical practitioner, Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre (RCVTAC) is available at 1-844-727-6404.

We understand the need for patients to be with a family member during their stay with us, and will make every effort to accommodate this.  Sometimes we ask family to wait in the waiting room, especially when the staff is giving a report to the patient.  This allows us to protect each patient’s privacy.

You may also be asked to return to the waiting room during very busy times in the department or when we are expecting a seriously ill patient.

Before You Go Home

  • Please make sure you understand all your instructions before you leave the hospital
  • Please check with your nurse or doctor to see if you need any specific instructions, telephone numbers for a follow-up appointment or a visit to your own family doctor
  • Please make sure you have all your belongings and your health card.
  • Please ask your nurse to provide you with a After Visit Summary to reference after you leave the ER Department.
  • If you need a certificate for work, please ask the doctor before you leave.  Note that there may be a charge for forms/certificates issued by physicians

And remember, healthcare advice is only a phone call away with:

Health Connect Ontario
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Dial: 811 or go to www.811healthline.ca 

Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre (RCVTAC)
You can access if you don't have a family doctor or cannot access them when needed.
Access to medical receptionists, physicians, nurse practitioners and community paramedics is available. 